Free Christmas tree illustration for download

Free Christmas tree illustration for download

This is exactly what it says it is; a free download that you can use for whatever you want to use it for.

Its a Christmas tree illustration, painted in Clip Studio Paint, with the background and text supplied separately, so you can decide whether or not you want to use the background layer, or create your own and put what I’ve done over the top.

I painted this for a client as a part of a series of design and illustration options for their Christmas marketing push, and this one didn’t make the cut. However, I think it looks quite good – its got its own vibe and the colours are great – so I thought I’d give it away. I could try and turn it into a Christmas card set or wait until another client comes along who needs a Christmas tree design, but I haven’t got the time to put together and design another card set and, to be honest, I usually prefer to start from scratch when I’m working on artwork for a client.

Use it for whatever project you wish. If you can, let me know what you do with it because I’ll be interested to see. Message me here, on Instagram or on Linkedin.

The file is .PNG, but if you want it in another format like PDF or something, just email me and let me know and I’ll run one off for you when I get the chance.

The illustration is a digital version of oil painting. I’ve never painted with proper oils sadly, but maybe one day I’ll try and see where I get with it. If you want some other free design goodies, then there’s a digitised pencil sketch of a bee here and a digitised pencil sketch of a rabbit here. Same deal for those illustrations too, which is of course: free for commercial use.

written by Fran