Engine Head is run by Fran. He’s the main designer, illustrator and web guy, although you may find yourself working with other specialists (PHP programmers, social media people etc.) from time to time. He’s been doing it for a long time. He says:

“I’ve been doing this for years. Close to 15 in fact, and most of them here in Sheffield where I live with my daughter, my better half and a cat.

I’m an outdoor enthusiast and a lot of my spare time is spent in the Peak District running (and sometimes racing) fell and being in nature. I’m a painter and a writer too and I have a website where I combine all of these things into an unlikely and motley collection called Between6&16miles where you can find art prints, running blogs and sports articles for publications such as Like The Wind magazine.

I illustrate books too. For example I created the visuals for Whale In The Wood.